Covering of the “Gradoni Paradiso” escalators, Montesanto


Year: 2023-2024

Client: Ferrosud 2 S.c.r.l.

Location: Naples

Performance: executive design for the construction of a covering of the “Gradoni Paradiso” escalators of the Montesanto station, as well as gates and similar, upstream and downstream of the same, to allow closure during periods of inactivity of the system.


Status: planning in progress

The project involves the construction of a structure designed for the protection of the escalator lift system, located on the left side of the EAV station (Circumflegrea section) of Montesanto in Naples. We propose the creation of self-supporting metal elements with a width equivalent to that of a single tread of the pre-existing steps, a height of approximately 2600 mm and a width sufficient to cover the escalators of approximately 2300 mm.

These elements will be divided into two types:
ELEMENT A: blind vertical part slightly inclined, towards the outside, in which the lighting fixtures will be housed
ELEMENT B: vertical part orthogonal to the floor and adequately micro-perforated.

At the top the two elements will have a triangular development, from which a space remains, suitably closed by glass in different colours, which will allow the path to be illuminated from above. The metal elements placed to cover the mechanized ascent system will be fixed only to the existing concrete beam of the escalator, via a metal substructure, without affecting the existing steps and not resting in any way on the boundary wall of the EAV Station.

To prevent the infiltration of rainwater, a metal flashing will be installed on the walls of the Station, acting as a gutter and connected to the stair’s water collection system by appropriate metal downspouts. The different accesses from the bottom, from the top and the lateral ones located on the intermediate landings will be equipped with a vertical pantograph system operated by a rotary motor, allowing the closing and opening of the respective accesses. On the two intermediate landings, this system allows the space to be completely open when the staircase is in use.

A path lighting system will be provided through: diffused lighting with the use of recessed directional luminaires placed inside casings in the blind elements B; Accent lighting with projectors placed near the entrance and exit of the mechanized lift system and linear lighting by positioning LED strips on the access and side portals.

Nome & Cognome


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Linate Airport
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